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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Planned and attended Angelyn's 21st party yesterday. I hope everyone had fun!

It was a nice theme, great for photos as you can see C;

Andddddd my cousin Chara Lum baked her rainbow cake!!!!!!!!!! very proud of her C: I may be biased, but she did do a decent job and I'm glad for her! Anyone wants cakes, let me know cos I've an awesome baker in mind.

Ahh, can't believe I turned 21 three years ago.

Soon, age will just be a number.

9:39 PM ♥

Friday, March 18, 2011


these little ones can be so cute really C:

12:02 AM ♥

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Had an interesting and thought-provoking conversation with Hao in his car just now.

How many of us express our pity and sadness for the unfortunate everyday...
"oh they're so poor.." "oh they got no food so poor thing" "so sad they got no parents..." etc etc

But how many of us really do something about it?

Sometimes we think we're doing something (e.g. donation every week, but really where does the money go?!), but most of the time, words of concern remained as that.

Got me thinking about what I can do. But I dont quite know where to start...? Who to help...? And as selfish as it may seem, am I ready to spare some time helping others? (which led me to think about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in the shower just now.) Hmm. I guess I gotta think about it and hopefully get down to doing smth, perhaps a small start would be good too. And of cos, to pray about it and see where God brings me to...

11:04 PM ♥

Friday, March 11, 2011

this is like so cute. hahahahaha

weird, but really cute. haha. :)

12:25 AM ♥

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


God has His ways. It always comes back in the end. haha was supposed to do a study on 1cor 2 years ago, but dint happen. And now when we needa pick a book for bible study, I myself chose 1cor. It's meant to be! It's not easy though.... I dont understand many things :/
"Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return."

Ash Wednesday tomorrow, marking the beginning of Lent. A season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption. Basically, its the 40 days before Easter. And a time to think about how to be the better person which Jesus would like us to be. :) Things to change - always aplenty. But there are a few which are kinda on the urgent list.
1) to let go. (must pray!)
2) to trust. (must pray!)
3) to work harder. (determination & conviction that i make a difference)
4) to live healthily. (i.e. more exercise, less fatty food, more sleep)
5) to read my bible daily. (speaking of which, i'd like to find a precious moments catholic edition bible!)

ok gtg crashhhh. nighters.

11:51 PM ♥

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I see through you

sometimes what we think we really want, we dont.
sometimes what we think we want, we really dont.
sometimes what we think we love, we dont.
and i am blind. i cannot find the heart i gave to you.

9:53 PM ♥

stop thinkingstop thinkingstop thinkingstop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinkingstop thinkingstop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinking
stop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinkingstop thinking
stop thinking

every time i think i feel like puking -_- better sleep. goodnight world.

12:36 AM ♥

i got to learn to

stop caring so much.

for the more i do, the more it'll hurt.

12:35 AM ♥

Thursday, March 3, 2011

11:07 PM ♥

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

it was a sweet evening. even long bus rides can be enjoyable with the right person. thank you my dear for accompanying me back. you dont know how much that means to me C:

and well lately ive been thinking. about how friendships have been affecting me. how hard it is to maintain old friendships while forming new ones. and also the realisation of some who were but frivolous people to have fun with but never really cared about how I was. yet I keep trying to reach out to them, I wonder why really. I guess I have the answer, I just find it so hard to let go. It hurts to see people move on. New people and happenings in their lifes which I dont know about... I stop to think if it's me who failed as a friend, maybe I din't care enough then too. But it takes 2 hands to clap, right? So for now, I shall learn to let go. And start realising who are the ones to keep. I've got a few names in my mind now, some have been long time friends, and some whom I've only recently got to know. I hope I'll keep you, and you'll keep me too.

Okay enough verbal vomit today. before I get somewhat emotional.

But well, I'm feeling happy now, and at peace with myself. Guess that's most important.

Looking forward to lunch tmr! C:

11:07 PM ♥