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Friday, April 29, 2011

it was a nice evening. but somehow I felt happy yet with a tinge of sadness, I cant explain... ok maybe I can, but well.

Priorities and dreams to pursue~ I just hope I'm on that list somewhere still... Maybe I'll need to reexamine my own as well too. Are they too simplified? I thought they were perfect..

Would like to have a warm cuddly hug right now, no words are needed to be said, everything can be felt by the heart. I just pray that things dont/wont change.

Goodnight, with a unicorn tear.

12:38 AM ♥

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday


Just back from Easter Vigil Eucharist, and I'm filled with joy, joy that is simply undescribable.

It may have been a 5hr long ec, but it dint feel like it at all. And that says alot doesnt it? :D

It was a night of emotions - thankfulness, joy, gladness, hope, awe. I felt really really really happy for those who were getting baptised. It must have been such a tough journey for them, such a big step for them. Yet, they trust, they decided, and they chose the path with God in their lives. Such decision is surely not one that can be made easily, it takes faith, and faith is a gift itself.

I literally felt the desire and joy of some of them before they got baptised, as we prayed over them. I also came to realise how God had used me as an instrument of His ministry, and thinking of my personal faith journey was amazing too. I never thought I would be able to do His work like this, I knew so little at the start, but I've learnt so much over the last 4 years. And I'm really really happy to be serving the rciy now. Like how it all started for me. This feeling I felt today, was of the same kind, but a stronger form, of emotions felt 4 years ago when that batch of rciy got baptised. So yes, I'm super excited to continue this journey with crossroads in the 1-2years to come. And so far, everything seems great :)

And everytime we're asked to pray for something to be thankful for, or just to pray for someone, the same thing always come to mind. I know my prayers will be answered, it just takes time and there's no hurry. God knows best and there's nothing to doubt when I leave it all to Him.

So yes, Easter this year actually feels much better than Christmas, which should be the way ainit? I'm glad I finally understand it all. Lent hasnt been that great for me, but I'm thankful that I still got to feel the joy and love this Easter. I hope to be able to radiate this happiness and love of Jesus to those around me! Especially those whom I love and dont understand all this, but it's ok, you just have to know that you're loved. And I love you too. C:

Happy easter once again. May we all be blessed always!

1:40 AM ♥

Saturday, April 23, 2011

you may not be perfect, but you're perfect for me.

that's all i need c:

1:26 AM ♥

Sunday, April 17, 2011


i saw this picture and then i realised that i dont have a unicorn toy. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!!! :CCC

darling please find me one after ur exams can?

10:19 PM ♥

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friendship Recipe

Add in two cups of no expectations. Be off the market for a new best friend. You’re in your mid-twenties and satisfied with your social life. Feel like you don’t need to meet anyone new. Stir in one fateful meeting. Meet someone at a party or at a bar or at a dinner. They’ll probably be a friend of a friend, which gives them immediate context. Smile politely and introduce yourself. Think nothing of them at first. In your eyes, they’re just another person in a crowded room, another person you’ll meet for a moment and watch disappear. Maybe you’ll run into them again somewhere and have a vague recollection of meeting them. You won’t be able to place them though and you’ll fret over whether to say hello or keep walking. You always keep walking. But as fate would have it, this person won’t disappear like the others. This person is yours and you just don’t know it yet. Six months from now, you’ll have seen them laugh, cry, and confide in you. You won’t be able to remember a time when they didn’t mean something to you. You’ll say things like, “I can’t believe I’ve only known you for only a little while. It feels like forever.” And you’ll mean it. Sizzle in six comments that stop you in your tracks. The night you meet them, you begin to overhear the things that are coming out of their mouth, and you begin to realize, “Hey. They’re saying some funny thoughtful shit. I like them!” As the night goes on, you listen attentively to their conversations and begin to engage. When you exchange words, both of you have this moment of, “Wait. I’m obsessed with you. We’re on the same wavelength. Welcome to my life. Can you be a major part of it?’ We’ve heard about the concept of love at first sight and it may not even be a real thing. Friendship at first sight, however, does happen and when it does, it’s very special. Spend one amazing day together. Getting to know them is so exciting. In a matter of hours, you cover family, friends and lovers, and you discover that you’ve had similar experiences. It’s like you were both on the same life train, but hanging out in different cars. You obsessed over the same books, records, and moments in pop culture before you ever met. This makes it destiny. Feel supremely lucky to have found someone else who gets it, who gets you. Garnish with one epiphany. You’re never too old to meet a new best friend. Your social life is never full enough. As you get older, you’ll see your friends dwindle down to a select few, and realize how rare it is to actually find lifelong friends. In high school, friendships were so ephemeral. In college, bonds were nurtured by the tight-knit environment created by school. When you graduate and are released into “the real world”, you no longer have any ties to anyone. You make the time for the people you genuinely care about. You say to the friends who matter,”Okay, things are no longer circumstantial. For us to remain close, we’ll actually have to put the work and time into it. I want to know you forever.” If you are still meeting people you want to know forever when you’re forty, consider yourself very lucky. - Thought Catalog

10:39 PM ♥

Monday, April 4, 2011

Because you like bicycles and I saw this :D

11:18 PM ♥